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Saturday, June 1 • 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Breathful Movement: expressive Vinyasa

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Immerse yourself in the transformative experience of "Breathful Movement,” a dynamic fusion class that integrates Vinyasa yoga foundational principles, emphasizing breath-linked movement, with the expressive artistry of contemporary dance. Embrace freedom of expression, fluidity, and improvisation, elevating the yoga practice itself. Begin with a gentle warm-up, transitioning into a breathful yoga flow synchronized with both music and breath. Explore grounded and expressive contemporary dance elements seamlessly incorporated into the yoga sequence. Participants are encouraged to infuse their movements, fostering creativity and individual interpretation within the flow. Open to all levels, this class enhances flexibility, strength, and mindfulness while creating a vibrant community through the transformative power of movement.

Saturday June 1, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm MDT
Mat Marker Yoga Mat Charm Tent